What we're growing ·

What we're growing ·

Full Sun

Mixed  Shade

Meadow mixes·

Meadow mixes·

Species selection and cost are two barriers to adding native plants to the garden. Our Meadow Mixes hope to provide ease while being a fun and accessible way to introduce an array of species into your garden. 

These milk jugs serve as little greenhouses to jumpstart seedling growth. Each contain a mix of species carefully selected based on adaptability to the environment, ecological benefit, demeanor and look - because lets face it, everyone wants to add easy beauty to there garden! 

This approach allows you to easily cultivate a diverse range of native plants in your own backyard, the tree pit in front of your house, or even in a pot on your porch helping to support local pollinators and wildlife. 

Whether you're a seasoned gardener who plans to split individual seedlings and make countless plants, or the beginner gardener who wants something easy that also serves as an avenue to learn more, our Meadow Mixes make it simple to enhance your landscape with the beauty and ecological benefits of native plants. 

A special thank you to Cold Spring Coffee House, Citrine Cafe, and UnderStory Market who passed along there empty plastic bottles all winter, making this possible.